Tag: sexuality

Major political parties fail to halt mass criminalisation of young people
Civil liberties campaign opposes labelling teen ‘sexters’ as sex offenders A politically charged moral panic over young people’s attitudes to sexuality is leading to Internet censorship and the labelling of ordinary young people as sex offenders, civil liberties campaign Backlash warns today. Backlash will campaign for a change in the […]

Dominatrix beats online video regulator into submission
MEDIA INFORMATION: IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 August 2014 DOMINATRIX BEATS ONLINE VIDEO REGULATOR INTO SUBMISSION Ofcom spanks its internet video agency, ATVOD, for treating a small independent erotic website like a competitor to TV. A dominatrix and performance artist dealt a blow to the Authority for Television on Demand (ATVOD) this […]

Essential links defending sexual freedom on the Internet II
Jane Fae, Politics.co.uk: Three bad ideas about sex and the internet Milena Popova, ORGzine: Porn blocking – a survivor’s perspective Zoe Stavri, Independent: Don’t ban ‘rape porn’ – introduce more porn with negotiation and boundary-setting Glasgow Sexworker: History Lesson: what happened when Canada enacted a feminist anti-porn law? Charles Arthur, […]

So-called ‘Rape porn’ ban would be another threat to sexual freedom
Myles Jackman, legal adviser to Backlash, criticises the nebulous justification of ‘cultural harm’ for banning the mere possession of staged depictions of rape in an exhaustive legal article on his blog. In a key passage, he discusses the failure of prohibitionists to distinguish between fantasy rape scenarios and real acts […]

Jane Fae in politics.co.uk
Jane Fae criticises the ‘prudish, nay-saying and restrictive’ approach to sexuality amongst the current political establishment.

Not a victim, not a perpetrator
Last weekend, the Libertarian Alliance conference featured one particularly broad platform offering three perspectives on liberty, ranging from the arch-conservative Sean Gabb to the leftwing James Panton. The discussion revealed plenty of healthy disagreement on the proper future of liberty in the United Kingdom but there was a surprising level […]