Tag: obscenity lawyer

Obscenity law liberalised
This is a cross-post from my contribution to the Adam Smith Institute blog. Last week the Crown Prosecution Service published updated guidance for prosecutions under the Obscene Publications Act (1959). Legal campaigning has brought about a big change: the liberal tests of harm, consent and legality of real acts are […]

Myles Jackman: Don’t criminalise the selfie-generation
Cross-posted from Myles Jackman By criminalising young people between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, our political and justice systems show how disconnected they are from technological change and social values, which is especially worrying so close to an election where politicians have been exploiting selfie culture. After an NSPCC […]

Guardian: Sexting could see teenagers branded as sex offenders
Damien Gayle covers Backlash’s warning that ‘criminalising 16- to 18-year-olds for sending explicit pictures to one another shows how disconnected the political establishment is from changes to technology and social values’. Read his article here

Major political parties fail to halt mass criminalisation of young people
Civil liberties campaign opposes labelling teen ‘sexters’ as sex offenders A politically charged moral panic over young people’s attitudes to sexuality is leading to Internet censorship and the labelling of ordinary young people as sex offenders, civil liberties campaign Backlash warns today. Backlash will campaign for a change in the […]

Myles Jackman – new website launch
Myles Jackman, solicitor advocate and legal adviser to Backlash, has launched a new website dedicated to advice on sexual freedom and the law. Jackman has frequently provided pro bono work for individuals caught up in laws regulating sex acts, and their depictions, between consenting adults. He also has expertise advising […]

Dominatrix beats online video regulator into submission
MEDIA INFORMATION: IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15 August 2014 DOMINATRIX BEATS ONLINE VIDEO REGULATOR INTO SUBMISSION Ofcom spanks its internet video agency, ATVOD, for treating a small independent erotic website like a competitor to TV. A dominatrix and performance artist dealt a blow to the Authority for Television on Demand (ATVOD) this […]

‘Rape porn’ ban would not close any supposed loophole
Myles Jackman, legal adviser to Backlash, has written a forensic analysis of the case for banning rape porn for Lexis®PSL Crime, reproduced on his blog. Here is a key section: How do the Government’s proposals fit in with the law on the possession of extreme pornography? In brief: they don’t. […]

Myles Jackman on legal practice
Myles Jackman, who advises Backlash and blogs at Obscenity lawyer, discusses his legal practice in the Law Society Gazette. Chris Ashford, Reader in Law at the University of Sunderland, praises Jackman’s vocational approach to legal defence, which is informed by his previous career in film making and the media.

Backlash legal adviser Myles Jackman wins Junior Lawyer of the Year
Myles Jackman, a consultant at Hodge Jones Allen solicitors, has won the Law Society’s Junior Lawyer of the Year Award. He has successfully defended a number of individuals charged in obscenity and extreme pornography cases, several of whom initially sought Backlash for advice. The Law Society announced: ‘His work has […]