Tag: jackman

Guardian: Sexting could see teenagers branded as sex offenders
Damien Gayle covers Backlash’s warning that ‘criminalising 16- to 18-year-olds for sending explicit pictures to one another shows how disconnected the political establishment is from changes to technology and social values’. Read his article here

Myles Jackman – new website launch
Myles Jackman, solicitor advocate and legal adviser to Backlash, has launched a new website dedicated to advice on sexual freedom and the law. Jackman has frequently provided pro bono work for individuals caught up in laws regulating sex acts, and their depictions, between consenting adults. He also has expertise advising […]

‘Rape porn’ ban would not close any supposed loophole
Myles Jackman, legal adviser to Backlash, has written a forensic analysis of the case for banning rape porn for Lexis®PSL Crime, reproduced on his blog. Here is a key section: How do the Government’s proposals fit in with the law on the possession of extreme pornography? In brief: they don’t. […]

So-called ‘Rape porn’ ban would be another threat to sexual freedom
Myles Jackman, legal adviser to Backlash, criticises the nebulous justification of ‘cultural harm’ for banning the mere possession of staged depictions of rape in an exhaustive legal article on his blog. In a key passage, he discusses the failure of prohibitionists to distinguish between fantasy rape scenarios and real acts […]

Myles Jackman on legal practice
Myles Jackman, who advises Backlash and blogs at Obscenity lawyer, discusses his legal practice in the Law Society Gazette. Chris Ashford, Reader in Law at the University of Sunderland, praises Jackman’s vocational approach to legal defence, which is informed by his previous career in film making and the media.