Lord Andrew Mcintosh loses his fight with cancer

Baron Mcintosh died on Friday 27th 2010.

A committed humanist who opposed to interference in the private lives of adults as long as what they do did not cause harm to anyone else, he spoke up in the House of Lords debate on the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act.

“This part of Part 5 introduces new definitions of obscene or extreme pornography, which cloud the agreement that generally has been reached in this country about what is obscene and what should be allowed. That is extraordinarily unfortunate. It is damaging to the interpretation of the law; to the confidence of people that the law understands the variety of emotions and feelings that there are about sexual matters; and to the reputation of the law itself.”

Lord Mcintosh of Haringey 21.04.2008

Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the British Humanist Association, of which Lord Mcintosh was Treasurer, said, ‘Andrew was well respected for his commitment to equality, rationalism and Humanism. He was the Minister responsible for the inclusion of Humanism as a ‘belief’ in the Communications Act 2003, since when public service broadcasters have been obliged by law to include coverage of Humanism.’

‘Andrew was particularly interested in education, being actively involved over many years in British education legislation and, as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, he supported a motion condemning the teaching of creationism in schools as a part of science. Andrew, with his passion for promoting humanist perspectives on issues such as education and his support for the All Party Humanist Group in Parliament will be sorely missed.’

Our condolences go to his family and friends.