Blog Posts


January consent workshop – Getting and Giving What We Want

We are delighted to announce that next week Felix and Blake will once again be facilitating a consent workshop in London. This is another opportunity to participate in the sold-out workshop held in October, which is being run again due to popular demand. Here’s what attendees from the previous workshop had to say […]

Getting and Giving What We Want


Consent is an integral factor in almost everything we do, especially when considering sex and intimacy. Consent is often misunderstood as passive agreement, when in fact consent is a dynamic and active process. It seems that the consent workshops couldn’t have been developed at a better time, in light of […]


What the BDSM community can teach us about consent

The Metro has just published a piece on What the BDSM community can teach us about consent, interviewing Backlash spokesperson Blake. ‘This idea that consent is a contract is really pernicious,’ Blake says. ‘Consent is revocable and ongoing, and being encouraged to change your mind is necessary for consent. By saying […]


Consent workshop in London – Getting and Giving What We Want

Have you ever said yes when you meant no, or no when you meant yes? This event is for you. Backlash is producing a new consent workshop as part of our ongoing efforts to protect adult consent, especially in the BDSM and sex positive communities. Getting and Giving What We […]



Backlash has launched a campaign to challenge the new age verification rules for online porn. #ResistAV presents Curtains for Privacy starring porn star Misha Mayfair and Backlash spokesperson and activist Pandora Blake, warning of the risk of UK adults being outed under the Digital Economy Act’s 2017 age verification requirements. […]


Backlash response to the BBFC age verification consultation

Dear Sir/Madam, I am responding to this BBFC consultation on the Digital Economy Act 2017 and the proposed Age Verification (AV) regime : – Introduction. Before responding to the questions posed in the consultation I want to stress four points: – 1. Opposition to AV: This regime is not […]


Tell the BBFC that age verification will do more harm than good

By the end of this year, the Government is planning to enforce new rules requiring anyone in the UK to prove their age before looking at pornographic websites. Young people deserve our protection and support, but there is no evidence that these measures will do anything to keep children safe […]


Contacting Backlash

Backlash is a volunteer organisation, that acts in several capacities to support communities and individuals in expressing consensual sexual freedoms. We have a presence on several social media platforms, which serve slightly different purposes, and consequently, are run and monitored by different members of the backlash team. Whilst we strive […]


House of Lords briefing on the Digital Economy Bill

Digital Economy Bill Briefing on Section 3: Age verification for online pornography The age verification section of the Digital Economy Bill proposes a technological response to a complex social issue. The policy raises serious concerns regarding loss of personal privacy; increased risk of credit card fraud and identity theft; increased […]


Myles Jackman on the Government’s intent to classify the web

Myles Jackman describes the Government’s apparent intention to classify all video on the web in The New Statesman:  Linkage