Author: admin

Met police try to censor Leda and the swan
The Evening Standard and the Telegraph are reporting that police officers threatened an art gallery in London with prosecution for displaying an artistic depiction of the Greek myth of Leda and the swan. Authoritarians often scoff when we warn that attempts to restrict pornography will impact on other art forms. […]

Book launch: Policing Sex
Via Chris Ashford at Law & Sexualtiy. Book launch for Policing Sex edited by Paul Johnson and Derek Dalton Thursday 17th May 2012 at 6.15pm Birkbeck, University of London Short talks by Chris Ashford, Mary Laing, Leslie J. Moran, Jo Moran-Ellis and Murray Perkins prior to an open discussion, followed […]

Vincent Tabak and violent porn
Last week, Vincent Tabak was found guilty of murdering Joanna Yeates at Bristol Crown Court. The result has been overshadowed somewhat by the news that the jury were not allowed to hear evidence that Tabak had viewed violent pornography (apparently both before and after the murder), had contacted sex workers […]

Social Workers – call for help
Backlash needs help. We were approached for advice about images on a computer and mobile seized by the police, arising from actions by someone other than the owner. This is a case of “collateral damage”. The original issue has been resolved satisfactorily. However, because they are a social worker, client […]

Backlash audited Income and Expenditure for financial years ending 31 October 2011
£ 2010 2011 Income 3,830 200 Costs Legal 3,512 0 Admin 271 189 Net contribution 47 11 Interest 9 2 Net Surplus 56 13 Notes Backlash expenditure tends to be lumpy, because most cases in which we are involved are covered by Legal Aid. But on occasion Backlash intervenes in […]